Goals. I haz ‘em. Wiffer May Marathon

May 1st, 2009 by Melina

Oy. Like a hole in the head I need such a thing. . . 

Seriously, People. Blogging three days in a row? And after the oh-so-icky week I had, I was supposed to be watching all the saved shows on my DVR. Not writing. I’m two weeks behind on Castle. Two weeks! 

Thanks Karen.

So we’re supposed to post our goals. Karen, Jennerosity, Jenifer, Davina, Kerryn and Kim already have. Me, I wasn’t ready. I needed a preamble/chance to whine/chance to procrastinate, which you can have the pleasure of reading here.

Oh wait, pardon me, I forgot. According to Kim, I do not whine. I kvetch. Also according to Kim, we’re having a Wine Awareness Month. I’ll keep you posted on that.

I work best when not focusing on one thing at a time. I need to put my writing into separate pieces of a virtual bento box, with no two sections being the same.

It’s like when I go out for Greek food. I order ten plates of meze and no main course.

Wow Melina, way to ramble.

So fine. You want goals? I’ll give you goals.

Project 1:

Finish entering final edits into my electronic copy of Daphna in the Rough.

Replace the three scenes I deleted from Daphna in the Rough.

Project 2:

Redo my collage and discovery exercises for Polly. I recently took this fabulous course, and I’m loving the whole Photoshop collage thing.

Add 15,000 words to Polly. I feel ready for this now. I wrote the ending during NaNo, but the last act is still missing. I had jury duty last week, which gave me tons of ideas for making sure my villain will continue to be up to no good.

Project 3:

Finish working out the GMC for my Evi book.

How’s that? Are you satisfied? 


Mel, who will now proceed to go to Central Park and crawl under a rock.

Posted in Writing Life

9 Responses

  1. Kim

    Wow! I was just sorta joking, but you do kvetch rather well! Hope you didn’t take offense to that BTW. You know I love you, right? :-)

    Well, even though we twisted your arm, you seem to have some pretty well thought out goals there. Now I want [that] you would crawl out from the bottom of that rock and go wine shopping, already!

  2. Cynthia

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, I haven’t blogged on this yet either. I promised a new blog post by the end of the weekend and well, that’s probably when I’ll get to it. This weekend.

  3. admin

    Kim! Are you kidding! I took it as a compliment! :-) My uncle would be so proud.

    Now wine shopping is the best suggestion I’ve heard in ages.

    Cynthia! Looking forward to your post.

  4. Karen

    Its a good time to hole up.
    Stay away from crowds.
    Let the flu pass you by.
    (Jeff actually got one case at his hospital – but overall, we’re decidedly un-panicked here).

    And, to digress, all this reminds me of a favorite poem by Edward Lear.

    A flea and a fly in a flue,
    Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
    Said the flea, “Let us fly.”
    Said the fly, “Let us flee.”
    So they flew threw a flaw in the flue.

  5. Davina

    Weeeell… yeah, I guess I’m satisfied.

    But only if you don’t bother with the whole crawling-under-the-rock thing. Or at least follow Kim’s advice and get out for the wine ;)

    I like your goals – nice and organised. Do you plan to do them in that order too?

  6. admin

    Karen, LOVE the poem!

    Davina, that is a very good question. Hmm. Today I’m working on the collage.

  7. Pamela Cayne

    You can do it, Melina! *pom pom swish*

    Gooooooo Wiffers!!!

  8. admin

    Pam! Thanks for the swish!

    I heart Wiffers!

  9. Marilyn Brant

    Good luck with your goals, Melina! Keep at it!! As for Castle, isn’t that show awesome?! (Nathan Fillion…sigh)

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