Goat Notes

May 24th, 2010 by Melina

Kidding Season

As promised, I’m going to shine a big bright light on my most humiliating episodes of writer-related insanity.

Without further ado, here’s writer crazy incident #1:

Y’all know I have a thing for goats (and sheep, etc.) right? I write about Crete, my father’s family is all from Crete, so it fits.

And it goes back a long way:


Last year, I found out the teacher next door spent his spring break on a goat farm to help with kidding season. Once I realized what “kidding” meant (I’m slow, especially after a long school day), I got really excited because there’s a scene in my first book wherein the hero and heroine help a goat deliver her baby.

So I bombarded him with all sorts of questions, and when he mentioned a breech birth, I spat out, “Oh yeah, I saw something like that when I was watching goat births on YouTube!!!!!”

At which point, he took a giant step backwards.

I never did get a chance to explain the reason for my research. . . :oops:

However, as soon I got home I wrote it all down, and labeled the page “Goat Notes:”

(In case you’re wondering, this is in fact the same unfortunate creepazoid who gave me that playlist. . . Yeah. Him. But “Joel” is the name of the hero in this story, not the creepazoid. Must protect the guilty.)

Here’s one of the videos I watched. I promise, it’s not gory. It’s one of the sweeter (and cheesier) videos.


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Posted in Writer Crazy, Writing Life

3 Responses

  1. Pamela Cayne

    I am smiling very big at my friend Melina (I’m absolute on that one–Melina, not Melissa–but we’ve talked about that…) and her lovely goat fetish.


  2. Karen

    Just so long as you don’t try to introduce a goat into your apartment.

    This makes me think of Sam and how her father bought goats to ‘mow’ the lawn.

  3. » Blog Archive » 32 Years of Sleep Debt

    […] Anyway, I’ve tried so many things to help me fall asleep, like turning off the computer, TV, etc. an hour before bed, making the room a bit cool, exercise, yoga, tea, reading, and at some point, counting sheep. Cause y’all know I like sheep and stuff. […]

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