Summer Travel Adventures

July 21st, 2011 by Melina

Greetings from Crete!

Hi Everyone!

Or, rather “Για Σάς!” (Yia Sas)

So. I’m in Crete, in a village on the southern coast, visiting my family and fighting off flies and mosquitos. That, and going to the beach!

Yeah, I know. It’s been a while since you last heard from me. Apologies and all that.

Here’s the thing though. Before I got here at the end of June, I was ending a very dramatic school year. Not by saying good bye to the kids, calculating grades, and sending home projects. Nope.  I was in the hospital due a very high and very sudden fever. Good times.

But enough about that. I’m here now, thanks to two airplane rides and three busses.

When I was a teenager, I thought the length of the trip, and and all the airport switching (I used to fly from San Francisco, which made the trip a lot more difficult) was really exciting. Look at me! I’m sitting on my back back, waiting for my third plane! I’m a great traveler. Want to know where to get kick ass hot chocolate at the Frankfurt airport? Just ask me! How cool am I?

Do I think that now? At age 33?

Yeah, right. . .

I’ve had a few weeks to rest, and the Internet is sort of actually working at the moment, so I figured I’d blog a bit about where I am.

So stay tuned!

And stay tuned for next month, when I’ll be blogging from Israel. Yep. This summer is all about getting in touch with my roots.

Where’s Creature, you might be thinking? He’s in California with my mother, who, to my delight, has kicked him out of my room! He was getting into trouble up there, thus waking her up.

Actually, at the moment, my mother’s traveling too, so Creature’s being looked after by the neighbors and the tenant who lives in a little house in my mom’s yard. The report: He’s taken over said tenant’s bed and communicating with said tenant’s mother via Skype.

This is the same dog who, last time we left him with a neighbor, took over their couch and became addicted to Mad Men.

I give up.

Also, I am trying to dive back into my writing. One of my books is set here, and I have the time, so I better get cracking, right? How far have I gotten with the editing? Well. . . Okay, so I’ve opened the document twice and sometimes, while on the beach, I listen to my book playlist.

Yeah. Go me. . .

Anyway, see you all soon!


Posted in Mel's In Greece!

3 Responses

  1. Karen

    Creature is certainly adaptable.
    Sorry your motivation hasn’t shown up yet.
    Are you editing writing or writing writing?

  2. Cynthia

    Looks like you’re having a good time. Have fun in Israel.

    Oh and good to hear that your mother’s dog is misbehaving for her too. ;)

  3. Melina

    @ Karen: A bit of both. I have some major editing to do, while padding the word count.

    @ Cynthia: Yeah, she’s seeing the light! She actually warned me that if I wanted to get rid of him (I don’t!) that she won’t take him.

    I had to laugh at that one.

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