Cool Vibes + Update

July 7th, 2010 by Melina

Sending foggy thoughts!

Hi People.

First of all, don’t hate me because I’m in a place that’s about 33 degrees cooler than it is in NYC (and a lot of the North East). I feel truly awful for anybody dealing with the absolutely unacceptable heatwave from hell. In my neighborhood (language alert on that link, btw), electricity has been turned off and people are flocking to the library to cool down.

My thoughts are with you. I feel your pain. If I could bottle some fog and send it your way, I would. I promise.

I’m serious about that. Y’all know how I feel about unacceptable weather, right?

Wish I could have you over for a slumber party in the S.F. East Bay! Hang in there.

As for what’s doin’ by me:

Well, I went to work on June 24th and brought Creature with me, ended a brutal school year and dashed to JFK where it was 97 freaking degrees. I watched as TSA put Creature’s belovedĀ toy ferret through a very intrusive inspection, and handed Creature off. I dealt with a plane delay, was reassured that Creature was being kept cool and taken care of (apparently, the diva got pissed off and knocked over the water container he was offered). The flight attendant told me everybody was quite amused by the stories the “ramp guys” were telling about him over the radio.

Really, I don’t need to know what they said.

And then, I arrived at gorgeous Chez Mom sometime after midnight, and a few days later, had to get up at 4:15 a.m. for her hip surgery.

Poor Creature worships my mother, and wants you all to know that he staged a hunger strike and kept vigil by the front door almost the whole time she was in the hospital:

Thank G-d she is home and doing just fine. She’s rocking her physical therapy exercises and keeping her spirits up, but I’ve got to say, surgery really and truly sucks, even when you’re healthy and in a great hospital, getting wonderful care. At least she had a view of the U.C. Berkeley campus.

I’m still exhausted. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

See you next time! Meanwhile, I leave you with this video clip of Creature and his bee and this video clip of Point Isabel, the best dog park in the entire universe (sans fog you’d be able to see the S.F. skyline and the Golden Gate). Notice that Mother has had the backyard redone (and how bonkers she went in the squeaky toy section of PetCo).


One exhausted, but thankfully cool, Mel

Posted in California Dreamin', Creature Feature

7 Responses

  1. Cynthia

    I’ll forgive you the gorgeous weather. Besides, I wouldn’t want to be in NYC or any major city during weather like this. Enjoy the fog and the bay breezes and sending much healing vibes your mother’s way.

  2. Lisa

    Well I am just glad I got out of that ******* hellhole and I’m cool here in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It’s been a cool and breezy 85 degrees and 74 with a strong wind at night. Feels awesome with crisp dry air. I can BreATHE!!!!! Unfortunately the benefits of Hurricane Alex can not last forever! Today was HOT! But what can you do in Cabo on a hot day??? Drink, drink, drink some more, snorkel off a giant catamaran, and go jet skiing. And that’s just today!!! Tomorrow there is swimming with the dolphins, ATVing in the Desert, and the much awaited MASSAGE!!!!! Yipee! I might just move here for good!!!
    Speak to you soon!
    P.S.: Wait til you see the pictures of your next Director of J.S riding a mechanical bull. HI-larious!!!!
    Hasta Luego! And keep chillin!
    Much love to my bud “Creature”!

  3. admin

    Cynthia, keep cool! Thanks for the healing vibes!

    Lisa! Keep enjoying Mexico! The powers that be want our school Web site to “sing.” So I’m thinking we add the photo of you on the bull to the homepage. Thoughts? ;-)

  4. Karen

    A lucky escape.
    Holing up here and waiting for it to end.
    Miss the screen porch (and so does Darwin, he paws at the door constantly).

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